Twin Creeks Golf Course

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Driver Clinic with Ken Munro

April 5 @ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Join us for a FREE driver clinic led by original First Tee-Monterey County member, World Long Drive Championship competitor, and 2-time Pepsi Tour winner Ken Munro!

Ken was a part of the PGA Qualifying School in 2023/2024, and his longest drive for the World Long Drive Championships is 404 yards!!

The Clinic will include a Q and A with Ken Munro as well as a demonstration. Bring your clubs to test your skills and new knowledge at our driving range after the clinic is done. Ken will be around to offer more help and pointers.

Space is limited, so please register fast!! If you are on the waitlist, please still come to watch as Ken will be available to answer any questions you may have.

Register here


April 5
11:00 am - 12:30 pm